Thursday, 6 November 2008

Great things come in threes

Can't believe Cara Dillon, Seth Lakeman and Ryan Adams (three of my very favourite musicians) are all playing in Brighton soon within a few days of each other!

I am not sure we will be able to get to any of the gigs though, we've only left the boys with a babysitter before when they're already tucked up in bed, and gig start times would mean leaving home well before. So probably not this time. But I don't know which one of the three I would book anyway, I love them all! So dilemma probably resolved before its properly unrolled.

Filled with relief, Luca has passed the worry window with his self-dosing calpol episode! He's had a horrible 24 hours with the pox, spots in very cruel places, but today he was more like his usual self. And my parents visited today, so we had plenty of company.

My mum brought pizza, which we ate with
these - talk about how to make cabbage look good and taste palatable. I had been unsure what to do with the savoy in the abel and cole box (yes, I know, my day can't have been too bad if this topped my list of troubles...) and here was the answer. I found the vegan family house website not long after the boys were born, when I started to explore veganism more. It's an amazing resource, and really got me going. Check out the kitchen section!

Off to watch 'La vie on rose'- hmm, just read a review. 'Exhausting' titles one. A good sleeping pill then- we'll see!

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